

Handle & manipulate sets of files

This module aims at providing classes to handle and manipulate sets of files. Two simple examples are a simple set containing one file (fist.fistSingle) or a glob based set of files (fist.fistFileset). A more complicated example is fistMapset that maps another fileset based on a pattern.

Each fileset inherits from list - hence fist filesets behave as lists.

Future work should allow the definition of remote filesets (for example over http or ssh).

Each fist class is istantiated with a url defining the file(set). In the case of fist.fistFileset this url contains a globbing characters:

fs = fist.fistFileset('/tmp/*,txt')

This fileset object contains a list with all *.txt files in /tmp. Subsequently it is possible to map this set

class fist.fistCore(url, context=None)

Core class for all fist classes


This function needs to be overridden context

class fist.fistFileset(url, context=None)

Most basic set of files - handle a set of files described by a single URI with wildcards, for example:

* `*.txt`
* `../*.txt`
* `file:///home/name/data/*.txt`
>>> f = fistFileset('*.txt')
>>> assert(f.path=='.')
>>> assert(f.glob=='*.txt')
>>> assert(f.path=='.')
>>> assert(f.glob=='*.txt')
>>> f = fistFileset('/tmp')
>>> assert(f.path=='/tmp')
>>> assert(f.glob=='*')
>>> f = fistFileset('/tmp/*.txt')
>>> assert(f.path=='/tmp')
>>> assert(f.glob=='*.txt')
>>> f = fistFileset('../*.txt')
>>> assert(f.path=='..')
>>> assert(f.glob=='*.txt')
>>> f = fistFileset(os.path.join(wd, 'in', '*.txt'))
>>> f.resolve()
>>> assert(len(f) == 100)
>>> f = fistFileset(os.path.join(wd, 'in', 'in1*.txt'))
>>> f.resolve()
>>> assert(len(f) == 10)
>>> f = fistFileset('~/*')
>>> f.resolve()
>>> assert(len(f) > 0)
class fist.fistMapset(url, context=None)

Map set - map a fileset based on a target uri

>>> f = fistFileset(os.path.join(wd, 'in', '*'))
>>> f.resolve()
>>> assert(len(f) == 100)
>>> ##
>>> ## Null mapping
>>> ##
>>> m = fistMapset('*/*')
>>> m.resolve(f)
>>> assert(len(m) == 100)
>>> assert(os.path.join(wd, 'in/in18.txt') in m)
>>> ##
>>> ## simple folder mapping
>>> ##
>>> m = fistMapset('out/*')
>>> m.resolve(f)
>>> assert(len(m) == 100)
>>> assert('out/in18.txt' in m)
>>> ##
>>> ## simple folder mapping
>>> ##
>>> m = fistMapset('./*')
>>> m.resolve(f)
>>> assert(len(m) == 100)
>>> assert('./in18.txt' in m)
>>> ##
>>> ## simple folder & mapping & extension append
>>> ##
>>> m = fistMapset('out/*.out')
>>> m.resolve(f)
>>> assert(len(m) == 100)
>>> assert('out/in18.txt.out' in m)
>>> ##
>>> ## New from fileset - now with a pattern defining the extension
>>> ##
>>> f = fistFileset(os.path.join(wd, 'in', '*.txt'))
>>> f.resolve()
>>> ##
>>> ## extension mapping
>>> ##
>>> m = fistMapset('out/*.out')
>>> m.resolve(f)
>>> assert(len(m) == 100)
>>> assert('out/in18.out' in m)
>>> ##
>>> ## New from fileset - now with a pattern defining file glob &
>>> ## extension
>>> ##
>>> f = fistFileset(os.path.join(wd, 'in', 'in*.txt'))
>>> f.resolve()
>>> ##
>>> ## more complex filename mapping
>>> ##
>>> m = fistMapset('out/test*.out')
>>> m.resolve(f)
>>> assert(len(m) == 100)
>>> assert('out/test18.out' in m)
>>> ##
>>> ## mapping keeping the extension the same
>>> ##
>>> m = fistMapset('out/test*.txt')
>>> m.resolve(f)
>>> assert(len(m) == 100)
>>> assert('out/test18.txt' in m)

Resolve the mapped set based on a input fileSet

resolver(mapFrom, list)

map all files in the incoming list

class fist.fistSingle(url, context=None)

Represents a single file


Assuming the url is a single file